Environmental Policy

In Taisei Kako, the environmental preservation in an earth scale is thought to be an important subject.
Consequently, we are very thorough about wrestling with the environmental basic policy and precept.
- ● 2003 Ibaraki Site receive ISO 14001 certification.
- ● 2016 Gifu Plant receive ISO 14001 certification.
- ● 2016 Akechi Plant receive ISO 14001 certification.
- ● 2016 Hadano Plant receive ISO 14001 certification.
Our company is making development, manufacture and sale for medical supplies and cosmetic's packing containers. Accordingly, we aim for “green environmental preservation” and realization of the society which considered people's living environment and in which sustainable development is possible.
Course of Action
Our promotions of preventive measures on the global warming and natural resources saving
Within our final aimings of the 17SDGs in 2030, we will surely promote the following 7Goals of our environmental activities: Goal No.3 Health, Goal No.6 Water and Hygiene, Goal No.7 Energy, Goal No.12 Production and Consumption, Goal No.13. Weather Change, Goal No.14. Ocean Resources and Goal No.15. Land Resources.
Furthermore, we promise to struggle with decreasing the environmental burdens from the beginning of our product designing to the end of the disposal. That is to say, we will watch closely on the life cycle of our products.
- ● We will make efforts to create energy / resource saving type of products for achieving the low level of CO2 emission society.
- ● We will make efforts actively to utilize a biomass-plastic in our developmental stage products.
- ● We will make efforts to utilize / recycle the materials of industrial waste.
- ● To get better results, we will try to find a further efficient productivity of "Kaizens" such as for Quality and Business Operations.
- ● We will try to propmote the basic Japanese govenmental policy called as the "Green Procurement".
Observance of law and rule
Observe the statute and agreement about environment and further, endeavor for protection of pollution and contamination.
Maintenance of environment management organization and improvement
At the plant and each division are set up an environmental purpose, target and program for achievement the environmental policy. In addition, we plan for continual improvement of the system and performance of the environmental preservation operation.
We also carry out an internal environmental audit, and endeavor to improve in maintenance of the environment management system by self-disciplined management.
Personnel education
We carry out an environmental education and public relations in the company for all employees to make them understood about the environmental policy and to improve them consciousness about the environment.
Contribution for society
We follow the corporate philosophy of “Sincerity” and “Quality” and aim a communication with the government office and the area residents through our daily work. We also contribute for the community by the environmental preservation operation with the residents.
This environmental policy is exhibited by a document to a request from outside.
Decarbonized Management Declaration
The 'Decarbonization Management Declaration' promoted by Osaka Prefecture is a system established to support and promote the decarbonization of all businesses, including small and medium-sized enterprises, in order to achieve carbon neutrality by 2050. Taisei Kako Co., Ltd. and Taisei Medical Co., Ltd. have been registered under this system.
Taisei Kako Co., Ltd. and Taisei Medical Co., Ltd. are committed to achieving carbon neutrality by visualizing GHG emissions, actively utilizing renewable energy, and efficiently using energy. We will continue to strive towards achieving a sustainable society.
We kindly ask for your continued understanding and cooperation with our company's efforts.
Decarbonized Management Declaration Registration System(External link)