What's Taisei Kako
- We work with resposiblity and vocation in order to contribute to the health of more people and contribute to society through the our products we provide to customers.
the numuber of employees
Male / Femal composition ratio by employee generation
Paid vacation rate
We aim work environment where we have good work-life balance that every employees can take good care of each of job and life.
Have 20days of paid vacation. (The next year carry forward is up to 20 days)
maternity and childcare leave rate
We aim at the environment where we can work in peace while doing marriage, childbirth, child care.
maternity leave (before chirldbirth leave 6weeks, after childbirth leave 8 weeks)
After the maternity leave, employees can take childcare leave child is going to be 1years old (if the child cannnot enter the kindergarten or nursery school, they can take it then child going to be 2years old)
Sales transition
We are steadily working on achieving sales growth and uniting for achieving our further goals.